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Agri-Access Australia
AAA represents overseas fertilizer producers in the Australian market.
Currently AAA represents and sponsors the following companies:
Arab Potash Company (APC), Jordan *
Nippon Jordan Fertilizer Company (NJFC), Jordan *
Heliopotasse, France **
El-Nasr Co. For Intermediate Chemicals (NCIC), Egypt **
* DAFF (AQIS) Level 1 accredited for bulk shipments and containers
** DAFF (AQIS) Level 1 accredited for bulk GSSP shipments

APC and NJFC export facilities are located at Aqaba, Jordan, and NCIC's export facility is at Sokhna, Egypt on the Red Sea. The close proximity allows for multiple fertilizer grades to be economically shipped to Australia on the same vessel.

Team Behind Agri-Access Australia
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